
Cats of Bucharest

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit hopeless regarding human interactions and society as a whole and I was actually drafting something to write on that topic, yet here I am publishing an article about cats instead. I figured I needed to focus a bit on some positive things and on memories that bring a smile to my face.

I’ve been living in Bucharest since 2018 and during my walks around various neighborhoods and parks I’ve encountered many friendly cats. So many, that I don’t feel the need to have one as a pet just for myself. Now, don’t think that if you ever visit Bucharest you will encounter them everywhere as it happens in Turkey or other countries, you might not see any at all. But here I come with proof that there are plenty. So grab a cup of tea or a snack and join me down the memory lane, to revisit some happy cat encounters.

Nov. 2019 – Herastrau Park. One morning I went for a walk in the park and bought myself a cup of tea to warm me up while sitting on a bench. This cat kept me company.

February, 2020 – This is my second encounter with the same cat! a few months later. But this time, it brought a friend, that was a little bit more shy but very clingy towards the brown cat. It felt like they were a couple. Not sure if a happy one, haha.

March, 2020 – I remember this day so clearly and mainly because the pandemic was in its beginning stages. The news on TV were getting worse, and no restrictions were set in place, yet there were very few people on the streets, even though it was such a lovely day outside. I went for a morning walk to Herastrau Park, and encountered this lovely cat, that was extremely affectionate and immediately sat on my lap.

September 2020, this time I was having a walk in Cotroceni neighborhood. This place is filled with cats because there are many houses there and not so many apartment blocks, making it very cat friendly. Because of this, most of them are not strays, but have at least one owner that gives them food and shelter. This little guy was hanging around a small cafe shop.

May, 2021 – I loved that spring in 2021, when they failed to cut the grass in Circului Park, and it grew really tall. Some people hate it , but I love to lay around tall grass and also observe all sorts of leaves and wild flowers. As I was sitting there reading a book, a black cat joins out of nowhere and lays next to my legs, being also a bit playful.

June, 2021 – Usually orange cats are known for being very active and playful but I got lucky and met a very affectionate one. The area I encountered this one is also filled with houses and narrow streets. It connect Piata Romana with Stefan cel Mare Boulevard. Yet, there are not as many cats as there are in Cotroceni neighborhood.

This one I met also in June but somewhere close to Herastrau Park, in front of an apartment building. Judging by the collar it had an owner yet still wanted to say hi and offer some fluffy affection.

September, 2021 – I don’t remember where this was. At least I have the dates to share, thanks to Google Photos account that stores that. It’s good to have a chronological order.

Fast forward to June 2022- This one I’ve encountered several times and he was pretty known in Circului Park. A lot of people were feeding him. I used to hang out with him in the mornings. At some point he disappeared, I think someone adopted him.

July, 2022 – Now here comes my bestie into the picture. I call her my bestie, because she hangs around my apartment building, so we get to spent a lot of time together. A neighbor at the ground floor lets her inside the her house, especially during winter, but when its warm outside the cat runs free most days. I care very much for her cause she’s has been many times waiting for me when I got home, especially when I was feeling sad or lonely. She gets really excited to see me, so it’s really hard to capture photos of her, yet I have made plenty shots and videos. She’s still my bestie to this day, almost 2 years later.

September 2022 – on my way to Piata Romana, this cat tried to climb into my arms up my legs. I did pick her up and hold her a bit and also kept her some company until she got bored. I don’t think she was a stray cause there were many houses around.

June, 2023- This one I’ve encountered at the botanical garden, inside the greenhouse. She was really friendly and her fur was super soft. You could tell she was really good taken cared of.

Besides these mentioned there were many more that I haven’t captured in photos, not to mentioned all the ones met outside of Bucharest. But if you don’t get to meet a furry friends on the streets, not to worry. In Bucharest and many other cities, there are cafes that take care of stray cats. You can order a drink and enjoy the company of cats. The one in Bucharest is called Miau Cafe.

And I won’t end this article without some more cat photos that I captured from a distance. Enjoy!

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